That first burnout was a doozie

Hello everyone! Happy New Year and… hold on, January is ending… where have we been? Yes, the year has practically already aged it’s first month, and you haven’t heard from us since October of last year. Well, it has been a tricky trek from the beginning, and the end of 2021 presented it’s own challenges. But, before we chalk everything up to victimhood, let’s clarify that much of the time off was been one of review and development.

ñ started as an idea with no defined team. Once the ball got rolling as a duo, there were talks of other contributors joining in. Unfortunately, their dedication wasn’t as strong as we’d hoped. We’ve been in talks of welcoming others to help with video, music, and expanded programming, but nothing quite stuck. A big factor remained the fluctuating state of public health guidelines. 2021 was just the second chapter of 2020 with regards to COVID-19. The reality was that numerous people were continuing to deal with illness all around us. Almost every production was literally plagued with rescheduling issues and all parties doing their best to avoid/manage possible exposure. Eventually, having to tackle the same amount of work within a shorter time frame, the burnout hit hard. We originally planned to leave December of last year open as a buffer before welcoming the new year. It just so happened November was taken from us and became an extended part of that break.

But’s it’s not all bad. Once we conceited to the gnarly circumstances, we spent the time to 1) rest, 2) rest some more, and 3) review what we’ve done so far. The hardest part of new projects is learning what works and what doesn’t. We have been really looking at the details of what we like, and what felt like too much work for so-so results. We’re also more aware of what ñ is meant to do, what we are trying to produce, and how we would like to make those things happen. We have been sitting back at the table further planning expanded programming and ideas to help fund other facets of this project.

We will soon share more information on upcoming changes and new things to look forward to. Meanwhile, accept this blog entry as an official check-in. We have more artist features to share with you this year, albeit on a more manageable timeline. We continue to speak to new artists interested in sitting down with us. We are working to forge new relationships and possible collaborations to take this platform to a more exciting level. Like always, we invite you to contact us if you are interested as well.

Lastly, we’d like to thank everyone for your continued support. We truly appreciate you.

- Santos


Jacqueline Valenzuela


Mark Hocutt