Phyrun Deab


Phyrun Deab is a painter and digital artist born in Thailand with a Cambodian background. After first moving to Texas in the early 80’s, his family eventually settled in Long Beach, CA where most Cambodian refugees had migrated at the time. Phyrun grew up on Asian traditions in conjunction with western culture - a journey that proved difficult when trying to establish an identity and satisfactory career path.

After years of exploring various jobs, Phyrun came upon the opportunity of doing what every young dedicated gamer would dream of - game testing. Working under contract with Activisions’ Quality assurance team, he became immersed in the many facets involved with video game production. He would dedicated the next few years of his life to putting in long, overtime hours playing broken games and learning about the creative process behind game design and debugging.

He would eventually enlist into the United States Army, citing his experience as eye opening. Applying his efforts in service to his pursuit of a career in art and design, he enrolled in college to sharpen his skills in conceptual art and illustration. Phyrun graduated from the California State University, Long Beach with a BA in Studio Art.

Watch Phyrun’s video interview with ñ here.


Hugo Lomeli


A Method In March Madness